
mtmispunjab-pk.com is not connected to or authorized by the official MTMIS website or any government group. The details on this site are only suggested to provide general details, and they should not be taken as experienced advice. We do our best to make sure the details are correct and up-to-date, but we can’t swear that it is always 100% authentic or complete.

For the latest and official details on Motor Transport Management in Pakistan, please visit the official MTMIS Punjab website (https://mtmis.excise.punjab.gov.pk/). We are not answerable for any mistakes or missing details on this website or for any actions you take based on the details you find here.

mtmispunjab is just an additional resource and should not replace the official website. Always double-check details from mtmispunjab with the official MTMIS Punjab website to be sure it’s correct.

By using mtmispunjab, you understand that any use of the details is at your own risk. For specific questions or advice, it’s best to contact the appropriate authorities or talk to a professional.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us at: info@mtmispunjab-pk.com